AERO is focused on pioneering software that will enable out-of-the-box heterogeneous execution of the cloud ecosystem on the EU Processor. One example use-case is the execution of the complex scientific computing required by the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission, where a three-dimensional map of more than a thousand-million stars throughout the Milky Way galaxy.
This project is collaboration between Codeplay and 11 other partners across Europe.
Visit the AERO ProjectSYCLOPS
SYCLOPS will further the democratization of AI acceleration using open standards, and will enable a healthy, competitive, innovation-driven ecosystem for Europe and beyond. To achieve this, the project brings together RISC-V and SYCL standards.
SYCLOPS launched in January 2023, and is a collaboration between Codeplay and 7 other organizations across Europe.
Visit the SYCLOPS Project

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