VectorC Shader Language Compiler
Shader compilers translate shader language into code that can be executed on a Graphics Processing Unit. Shader language is a special purpose programming language used extensively in 3D graphics rendering.
Codeplay has developed technology for, and expertise in, production of high performance shader compilers for programmable GPUs and embedded devices. Our core technology in this area is a retargetable shader compiler derived from the specification for OpenGL® ES API.*
Codeplay can build a shader compiler to translate shader programs, both vertex and pixel, into a format usable by a GPU that uses a graphics pipeline as defined in the OpenGL® ES API.
Based on our existing highly-optimizing VectorC technology, our shader compilers compile shader language to GPUs. The technology can be tailored to provide a low-memory compiler engine for embedded platforms, such as mobiles phones and PDAs.
Codeplay are highly experienced in optimizing code, specifically in the field of 3D rendering, and we have a comprehensive range of optimizations for GPU processors. Our shader compiler is extremely flexible and configurable, allowing the easy addition of new optimizations or the modification of existing optimizations relevant to the target platform.
We can retarget our shader compilers to meet the specific needs of any processor architecture, and can provide full source code and support for customers who wish to retarget and customize a compiler themselves.
Codeplay is a Contributor Member of the Khronos Group.
What's in it for me?
A low memory-footprint shader language compiler tailored to the needs of your mobile or embedded GPU, with full support for OpenGL® ES API or a custom subset to your specification. If access to the source code and in-house customization is required by your programmers we can provide it as part of the package.
What do I do now?
Contact us to set up a non-commital discussion about your needs with our experienced compiler engineers.
- This product is based on the published OpenGL® ES API, but is not an implementation which is certified or licensed by Silicon Graphics, Inc.under the OpenGL® ES API