Sieve C++ for Games Consoles
Video games are easily some of the most cutting edge and complex examples of code out there. Video games development studios are often strapped for time, cash and typically a handful of senior programmers have to manage teams of less experienced junior coders. The processors in games consoles get more advanced every generation and it’s tough to keep up writing great games with the limited resources you have.
Our Sieve C++ Offloading tools are the ideal solution for games programmers no matter what their level of experience. Using Sieve C++ coders can offload parts of a game for execution on the extra or accelerator processor cores on modern games consoles.
Portability can often be paramount if market success is dependent on releases on multiple platforms. The architecture of the Xbox 360 is wildly different from the PlayStation®3, but with SieveThreads this needn’t be a problem. Code targeted for offloading with SieveThreads is portable. The Sieve C++ runtime library, targeted to the processor architecture, takes care of the memory management and scheduling.
- What are SieveThreads and how use them to offload my code?
- How do I compile and build my SieveThread program?
- How does Sieve integrate with my current tool chain?
- What performance analysis tools are there?
What’s in it for me?
Sieve C++ provides enhancements to your development tool chain that allow your programmers to easily offload chosen parts of the game to an accelerator or additional processor cores. Performance analysis tools also guide the programmer in ensuring they are offloading correctly and getting the maximum performance out of the accelerator cores.
Codeplay will also provide in-depth support in applying SieveThreads successfully to your game. Games programmers are amongst are favourite people to deal with and we are keen on learning about your problems and adapting our system to solve them.
What do I do now?
Give us a call or email to register your interest and depending on circumstances we can make available Windows x86 or Cell Linux evaluations for you to try.
You will need to contact the console manufacturer and inform them of your interest in making Sieve C++ available as part of their SDK or as a third party tool.
"PlayStation" is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.