Offload KB - offload-library
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Please note that this is a old document archive and the will most likely be out-dated or superseded by various other products and is purely here for historical purposes.
The __outer keyword is used on pointers within an Offload™ block context.
offloadThread_t handle = __offload()
__outer int * ptr;
In the above example, ptr is an outer pointer - it points to main memory rather than local memory. The ptr variable can be assigned to any data that resides on the main memory, but will throw an error if a local memory pointer is being assigned to it.
offloadThread_t handle = __offload()
__outer int * ptr1;
int foo = 42;
int * ptr2;
ptr1 = &foo; // fails at compile time, because address of foo is a local memory pointer
ptr2 = &foo; // succeeds at compile time, types are the same
ptr2 = ptr1; // fails at compile time, because pointer types are different!
Within an Offload™ context, the compiler will try to deduce what the pointer type is by what is being assigned to it.
int outerFoo = 42;
offloadthread_t handle = __offload()
int * ptr1 = &outerFoo; // is deduced as an outer pointer
int innerFoo = 42;
int * ptr2 = &innerFoo; // is deduced as an inner pointer
The __outer keyword is also used to denote a main memory this pointer on __offload function specializations.
struct MyType
int foo()
return 13;
__offload int foo()
return 42;
__offload int foo() __outer
return 53;
static void func()
MyType outerBar;
int outerFoo = outerBar.foo(); // returns 13
offloadThread_t handle = __offload()
int localFoo = outerBar.foo(); // returns 53
MyType localBar;
localFoo = localBar.foo(); // returns 42
The example above shows you the power of Offload™ - allowing different specializations of functions for main memory and local memory.