Codeplay are attending ACCU, Belfast 2019
28 October 2019
Michael Wong, VP of Research & Development, will be a keynote speaker at ACCU, Belfast from the 11th to 12th November. Michael will be talking on The Journey to Heterogeneous Programming.
Whenever WG21 (the C++ standard committee) has a meeting in the UK, ACCU tries to ensure there is a strong association between that WG21 meeting and an ACCU conference. In past years WG21 in UK has been before or after the ACCU conference in the spring. This year however the WG21 meeting in the UK is in November. ACCU is therefore putting on a two-day ACCU Autumn conference to abut with the WG21 meeting.
For more information on what ACCU do please click on the link ACCU
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