Codeplay are attending SC18, Dallas 2018
30 October 2018
Andrew Richards, CEO & Founder and Michael Wong, VP Research & Development, will be attending this year's SC18, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis from the 11th to 16th November at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Dallas. Michael Wong will also be the additional Session Leader presenting on Tuesday, 13th November from 5.15pm to 6.45pm on Distributed and Heterogeneous Programming in C++ for HPC 2018.
We are always delighted to speak to anyone attending the event who is interested in what we are doing, so please come and say “hello” . If you are interested and would like to arrange a meeting with us at the event, please use our contact form on our website or follow us on Twitter @codeplaysoft and make contact!
Each year, SC provides the leading technical program in the supercomputing community (as measured by impact) through a review process that meets the highest academic and professional standards. The broadest and largest of any HPC conference, components range from invited talks, panels, and research papers to tutorials, workshops, posters, Birds of a Feather sessions, and a graduate showcase.
The Program is designed to develop and share best practices in areas such as system center management; large-scale deployment and integration; system enhancement and effectiveness improvements; benchmarking; user and application support experience; the convergence of big data and extreme computing; large system procurement; and procedures and policy determination.
For more information on the event please click link SC18
Codeplay are hiring, if you're interested in working for Codeplay then please follow the attached link & apply directly to any of the positions we have advertised. Please ensure the following documents are attached to your application: Cover Letter, CV and Code Samples - Codeplay Careers