Codeplay are attending Cognitive Vehicles
26 May 2017
Codeplay are pleased to announce that we will be attending the annual Cognitive Vehicles Conference on the 30th-31st May at the Mariott Courtyard, Berlin. Attending from Codeplay will be Charles Macfarlane, VP Marketing. We are always delighted to speak with anyone attending the event who is interested in what we are doing, so if you are attending, please come and say “hello”. If you are interested and would like to arrange a meeting with us at the event, please use our contact form or follow us on @codeplaysoft and make contact!
What can we really expect from AI in cars – learn from key industry players, renowned research institutions and agile start-ups about the potential of new imaging, perception and AI technologies for vehicles.
'The complexity and penetration of in-vehicle infotainment systems and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) increases and so does the need for hardware and software solutions supported by artificial intelligence (AI) – a system that continuously learns by its ability to discern its environment (real sounds, images, and other sensory inputs) and from experience. An AI supported car recognizes its surroundings and evaluates the implications for its „behaviour“. The expectations are high: Detection and recognition of multiple objects, improved perception, reduced power consumption, improved object classification, recognition and prediction of actions, and finally, also a reduction of development time of ADAS systems.
In fact, analysts forecast a huge rise in attach rate numbers for AI based systems in new vehicles by 2025, they see a variety of AI systems installed in many cars. But what can we really expect from AI in cars? Is it really the key milestone for autonomous cars or just the next hype? The conference Cognitive Vehicles has been set up to discuss potential use cases, advantages of AI compared to traditional algorithms. When discussing the potential of AI an overview of the latest advances in sensor and perception technology is a must. Get insights into environmental models and sensor fusion concept'. More on the conference can be found here: Cognitive Vehicles
Codeplay are hiring, if you're interested in working for Codeplay then please follow the attached link & apply directly to any of the positions we have advertised. Please ensure the following documents are attached to your application: Cover Letter, CV and Code Samples - Codeplay Careers