Codeplay are attending IWOCL 2017
11 May 2017
Codeplay are pleased to announce that we will be attending the annual IWOCL meeting on the 16-18th May at University of Toronto, BA Bahen Centre, Canada. Attending from Codeplay will be: Andrew Richards - CEO, Michael Wong - VP Research & Development, Rod Burns - Developer Relations Manager, Ruyman Reyes - Senior Software Engineer, Programming Models, Gordon Brown - Staff Software Engineer, SYCL & Luke Iwanski - Staff Software Engineer, Compute & Graphics. We are always delighted to speak with anyone attending the event who is interested in what we are doing, so if you are attending, please come and say “hello”. If you are interested and would like to arrange a meeting with us at the event, please use our contact form or follow us on @codeplaysoft and make contact!
Whilst at IWOCL Codeplay will be presenting a variety of tutorials, workshops & presentations - heres just a small snapshot of things to look out for!
Tuesday 16th May - DHPCC++17 - The 1st Distributed & Heterogeneous Programming for C/C++ (DHPCC++) Workshop will now take place Tuesday 16th May as part of IWOCL 2017. In response to the demand for heterogeneous programming models for C/C++, and the interest in driving these models in ISO C++, the original SYCL Workshop has morphed into DHPCC+ to include all the programming models.
Wednesday 17th May - Ruyman Reyes & Rod Burns will be presenting Heterogeneous Computing Using Modern C++ with OpenCL Devices - This tutorial will demonstrate how to write parallel SYCL code and how to use the Khronos Group’s experimental Parallel STL implementation.
Thursday 18th May - Andrew Richards will be giving the Opening Keynote - Applying OpenCL - Andrew Richards is founder and CEO of Codeplay Software Ltd. and is acknowledged for his leadership in standards definitions, specifically as chair of the Khronos SYCL for OpenCL group and chair of System Runtime Working Group for the HSA Foundation. Much of this experience is now being applied to heterogeneous processing products for the automotive industry.
Thursday 18th May - Andrew Richards and Luke Iwanski will be presenting Accelerated Machine Learning Using TensorFlow and SYCL on OpenCL Devices - Codeplay has been working with Google to add SYCL back-end support in TensorFlow, one of the most popular machine learning frameworks, enabling developers to use OpenCL devices with their machine learning applications. SYCL provides an abstraction layer that simplifies parallel development, giving developers access to the computing power of OpenCL devices and reducing the amount of code required. Andrew Richards will talk about how machine learning applications can harness the power of OpenCL using open standards and how, by using SYCL, TensorFlow can be extended to include customized operations running on OpenCL devices.
Interested in IWOCL? Here is a bit more information on the conference itself: The International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL) is an annual meeting of OpenCL users, researchers, developers and suppliers to share OpenCL best practise, and to promote the evolution and advancement of the OpenCL standard. The meeting is open to anyone who is interested in contributing to, and participating in the OpenCL community. IWOCL is the premier forum for the presentation and discussion of new designs, trends, algorithms, programming models, software, tools and ideas for OpenCL. Additionally, IWOCL provides a formal channel for community feedback to OpenCL promoters and contributors. More information on the conference can be found here: IWOCL 2017
Codeplay are hiring, if you're interested in working for Codeplay then please follow the attached link & apply directly to any of the positions we have advertised. Please ensure the following documents are attached to your application: Cover Letter, CV and Code Samples - Codeplay Careers