GPU Day 2016 Wigner Institute
01 June 2016
The latest in the series of GPU Days 2016 will take place on 2-3 June in Budapest, Hungary GPU 2016 Day This is the 6th in the conference series organized by the Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and is dedicated to the field of many-core computing in scientific and industrial applications.
Our own Maria Rovatsou, Principal Software Engineer,SYCL technologies will be giving a talk: "SYCL™ building blocks for C++ libraries".
Other speakers and topics are :
Lukasz Migas - AMD Vulkan Fast Paths
Dmitry Kozlov - AMD Radeon Open Compute stack overview
Special Talks by:
Dr. Micha? Bejger - Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw Polgraw-allsky: GPU-accelerated all-sky blind search for periodic gravitational waves
Attila Barsi - Holografika Ltd. Multi everything: parallelism in all shapes and sizes in HoloVizio lightf ield display systems
Dr. Zsolt Balogh - Mediso Ltd. Ring artifact removal method using GPU-based FDK reconstruction for cone beam CT
Zoltán Lehóczky - Lombiq Technologies Ltd. Turning software into hard ware – Hastlayer
Dr-Ing. Gernot Ziegler - Geofront e.U. Line Segment Maps: Fast and Deterministic Line Detection on the GPU
Árp ád Takács - AdasWorks Ltd. AdasWorks: artificial intelligence for self -driving cars
Contributed Talks:
NIIF HPC for research and education accelerated with GPUs Zoltán Kiss (National Information Infrast ructure Development Institute)
Parallel evaluation of general vector-arithmetic trees András Leitereg (Eötvös University)
Simulation of Su rface Growth on GPU supercomputers Jeffrey Kelling (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dre sden-Rossendorf), Géza Ódor (Centre of Energy Research, Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science)
A GPU cluster optimized mul tigrid scheme for computing unsteady incompressible fluid flow György Te gze (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Solid State Physic s and Optics)
HIJING++, OOP concepts and simple parallelization Szilv eszter Harangozó (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics)
Applications of GPU-accelerated deep neural networks to analyze galaxy spectra László Dobos (Eötvös University, Department of Physics of Complex Systems)
Light curve modeling of eclipsing binary stars Gábor Marschalkó (Szeged University, Baja Observato ry)
Fast determination of some orbital elements of eclipsing binary sta rs on GPU János Sztakovics (Eötvös University)
Eclipse Timing Variation analysis of binary stars with CUDA Tamás Hajdu (Eötvös University )
The effect of the cosmological constant on the gravitational waveform of an inspiraling compact binary black holes László Somlai (Wigner Res earch Centre for Physics, Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics)
Hierarchical Volumetric Fusion of Depth Images Milán Magdics (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology)
Photorealistic 3D CT visualization supported by HPC GPU and CPU coprocessors László Kovács (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics)
A high-throughput stream-oriented GPU environment for simultaneous processing and visualization of EEG measurements\ nZoltán Juhász (University of Pannonia, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems)
We’re always delighted to speak with anyone interested in what we’re doing, so please come and say “hello”. If you would like to arrange a meeting with us at the event, please use our contact form or follow us on @codeplaysoft and make contact!