Codeplay is Attending 3DT and Friends Event
24 May 2016
Codeplay will be attending the 3DT and Friends Event at Univeristy of Edinburgh's School of Informatics on 26 May.
This one-day event will showcase the research of postgraduate students from across the Centres for Doctoral Training, the School of Informatics, and related areas in the School of Mathematics. The event is jointly organised by the:
- EPSRC CDT in Pervasive Parallelism
- EPSRC CDT in Data Science
- EPSRC CDT in Robotics & Autonomous Systems
CDT supervisors and academic staff from Informatics and Mathematics, along with Industry partners and local start-ups will also be in attendance. The day will present a snapshot of the wide-ranging research from across the School of Informatics, and will facilitate networking and collaboration across CDTs, companies and research areas.
Attending from Codeplay will be some of our engineers, Aidan Dodds, Mark Miller, Alastair Murray, Bjoern Knafla. We’re always delighted to speak with anyone interested in what we’re doing, so please come and say "hello". If you would like to arrange a meeting with us at the event, please follow us on @codeplaysoft and make contact!