Codeplay is attending IWOCL
14 April 2016
Codeplay will be attending the International|Workshop on OpenCL™ (IWOCL) in Vienna, from 19 - 21 April.
IWOCL is an annual meeting of OpenCL users, researchers, developers and suppliers to share OpenCL best practice, and to promote the evolution and advancement of the OpenCL standard. The meeting is open to anyone who is interested in contributing to, and participating in the OpenCL community.
It is the premier forum for the presentation and discussion of new designs, trends, algorithms, programming models, software, tools and ideas for OpenCL. Additionally, IWOCL provides a formal channel for community feedback to OpenCL promoters and contributors.
Now in its fourth year, the International Workshop on OpenCL will be held at the C3 Convention Center in Vienna, Austria. The sessions will consist of a mix of keynotes, academic papers, technical presentations, tutorials and poster sessions. The workshop kicks-off on April 19 with an Advanced Hands On OpenCL tutorial, attended ,from Codeplay by Deepak Panickal , Senior Software Engineer, Debugger Team Lead, Andrzej Warzynski, Staff Software Engineer, Debuggers and Duncan McBain, Staff Software Engineer, GPGPU Systems.
The "C++ for OpenCL" Workshop will take place on the 20th of April as part of the IWOCL proceedings.. This workshop is co-organized by Codeplay Software and Intel in order to create a forum for discussion on modern C++ and the OpenCL group. The keynote, "C++17, will it be great or OK" will be given by Michael Wong, newly-appointed VP of Research & Development at Codeplay, VP of the and past CEO of the OpenMP foundation, giving the particpants an insightful overview on the current developments in C++. From the OpenCL group, there will be talks from Intel on OpenCL C++ kernel language and from Codeplay on SYCL™. Maria Rovatsou, Principal Software Engineer, SYCL Technologies, will talk on "SYCL 1.2 and Beyond" and Ruyman Reyes, Staff Software Engineer, ComputeCpp, will present the development on Parallel STL using SYCL. Moreover, Dr. Ben Gaster, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science from the University of West of England ,will talk on "Deep embedding of C++ and SYCL with application to the Internet of Things".
Also attending from Codeplay will be our CEO, Andrew Richards, as well as Gordon Brown ,Staff Software Engineer, SYCL and Mehdi Goli, a Codeplay Research Associate. We’re always delighted to speak with anyone interested in what we’re doing, so please come and say “hello”. If you would like to arrange a meeting with us at the event, please use our contact form or follow us on @codeplaysoft and make contact!