Codeplay is Attending the 2016 Conference on System Software Safety
08 March 2016
Codeplay will be attending the 2016 Conference on System Software Safety in Stockholm from 16 - 17 March.
This year's conference on safety critical system and software is a central meeting place for safety experts from different industries. It is an opportunity to share experiences and make new contacts. There will be an overview day followed by a day of parallel sessions with in depth presentations and discussions about different challenges, techniques, standards and methods. Present will be a good mix of participants and presentations from different industries and researchers.
Attending from Codeplay will be one of our engineers, Illya Rudkin. He will be at the workshop dedicated to safety critical systems on the Thursday at 1pm.
We’re always delighted to speak with anyone interested in what we’re doing, so please come and say “hello”. If you would like to arrange a meeting with us at the event, please use our contact form or follow us on @codeplaysoft and make contact!