Codeplay at SC14
10 November 2014
Codeplay will be attending SC14 in New Orleans from 16th – 21st November. Spotlighting the most original and fascinating scientific and technical applications from around the world, SC14 will once again bring together the HPC community – an unprecedented array of scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, students, programmers, system administrators, and developers – for an exceptional program of technical papers, tutorials, timely research posters, and Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions.
Attending from Codeplay will be Andrew Richards (CEO) and Gordon Brown. On the 17th November, Gordon will be delivering a paper at the The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC workshop entitled, 'Developing a Shared Source Programming Model Using LLVM and Clang, while on the 18th November, Andrew will be participating in a ‘Birds of a Feather’ event, in a session entitled ‘LLVM in HPC: Uses and Desires’.
We’re always delighted to speak with anyone interested in what we’re doing, so please come and say “hello”. If you would like to arrange a meeting with us at the event, please follow us on @codeplaybiz and make contact!