Experiences Building an MLIR-based SYCL Compiler
09 February 2024
Today’s blog post is a bit different from other posts on this website, as it is intended to give a brief overview of a research publication.
The research publication, an outcome of a project that we at Codeplay collaborated on with Intel, is going to be presented at CGO 2024 in March, and a preprint of the publication is available on arXiv.org.
In contrast to most other Codeplay blogs, the features in this publication are not available in a product right away, but rather give an idea of what will be coming in the future.
More concretely, today’s post is about how future SYCL compilers can be equipped to perform more powerful optimizations using new compiler techniques.
Compiler Intermediate Representations
The ability for a compiler to perform advanced optimizations hinges on the intermediate representations (IR) used by compiler. The expressive power of the IRs and their ability to capture relevant parts of the high-level semantics of a program determine how good the compiler is able to understand and optimize the input program.
If we take the DPC++ SYCL compiler as an example, a major part of the compilation flow uses two intermediate representations (there are more IRs involved, in particular in the backend, but these are out-of-scope for this post).
The Clang abstract syntax tree (AST) is a representation of the syntactical elements of the source code and semantics of the input C++ language (e.g. implicit conversions). As such, its level of abstraction is quite close to the input program language.
After a few initial steps and still quite early in the compilation pipeline, the Clang AST is then translated to LLVM IR. LLVM IR is a low-level intermediate representation in the form of a control-flow graph (CFG) with single static assignment (SSA) form. As such, its abstraction level is closer to assembly code.
This, as illustrated in the figure below, also means that early in the compilation, the compiler goes from a high-level representation to a rather low-level one in a single step, which means that a lot of the high-level semantics of the programs aren’t available to the compiler optimizations anymore.
This deficit not only affects all Clang-based C/C++ compilers, but also compilers for other programming languages or domains. Therefore, there are a number of efforts to close this gap through abstraction.
The MLIR Framework
One of those efforts that gained wide-spread adoption is MLIR. MLIR provides common infrastructure that allows compiler developers to easily develop targeted intermediate representations that capture the high-level semantics of a particular domain. The types, attributes and operations defined for a domain are encapsulated in so-called dialects in MLIR. And just like how a program is usually a mixture of multiple domains (e.g. mixing elements from the loop domain with operations from the vector domain), MLIR also makes it possible to combine multiple dialects during compilation.
Using the different dialects, the lowering from high-level to low-level in MLIR can happen in more, but smaller, steps as illustrated in the figure below, ensuring that each compiler optimization can happen at just the right level of abstraction.
This makes MLIR an interesting candidate for building the next generation of SYCL compilers and that’s exactly what we set out to do: to build a prototype of an MLIR-based SYCL compiler.
The SYCL-MLIR Compiler
To that end, we define a SYCL dialect, representing core elements of SYCL such as position of a work-item in the execution grid and memory access through buffers and accessors with operations and types in the dialect.
The SYCL-MLIR compiler then processes the device code Clang AST and generates a combination of MLIR dialects, including this SYCL dialect, instead of LLVM IR.
Using the additional SYCL domain-specific knowledge captured by the SYCL dialect then allows us to build powerful analyses and transformations that leverage the SYCL semantic information for better optimization of device code.
Host Analyses for Device Optimization
Better IRs for better device code optimization is not the only challenge we set out to address in the project. Another factor limiting optimization of SYCL device is the fact that compilation of device code and host code happens in isolation from each other.
This is also largely due to the fact that LLVM IR isn’t equipped to represent the host module and device module at the same time. For MLIR, on the other hand, nesting of the IR is a core principle and therefore the device code module can simply be nested inside the host code module.
By looking at the device code in context of its invocation from the host code, we can learn a lot more about it than from an isolated inspection. Therefore, we created a number of analyses that extract such information, e.g. constant parameters or accessor aliasing information, from the host code and provide them to device transformations, where the information is used for optimization.
Performance Evaluation
Combining the information obtained from host code and the powerful analyses and optimizations based on the expressive power of the SYCL MLIR dialect can lead to significantly better optimization of SYCL device code.
To demonstrate that, we evaluated our compiler on a number of benchmarks from the SYCL-Bench benchmark suite on an Intel Data Center GPU Max 1100 (also known as Ponte Vecchio), comparing it against DPC++ and the AdaptiveCpp compiler that uses just-in-time compilation.
A comparison for the benchmarks from the “polybench” is shown in the following figure (Diagram taken from the [preprint] (Experiences Building an MLIR-based SYCL Compiler))
Across all benchmarks that we investigated, the SYCL-MLIR compiler outperforms both compilers in the comparison (geo.-mean speedup of 1.18x over DPC++), demonstrating the potential of using MLIR to enhance SYCL compilation.
While the MLIR-based SYCL compiler is only a prototype at this stage, it shows that capturing the semantics of a programming model like SYCL in an expressive IR and performing the lowering in the compiler in small steps to give optimizations the opportunity to operate at the right level of abstraction. This is a promising opportunity for the future.
Of course there are still some significant challenges to address. MLIR-based frontends for C/C++, such as the polygeist frontend or the interesting [ClangIR](https://llvm.github.io/clangir/) project, still have limitations.
And while using host information for device code optimization is an important first step, joint optimization of host and device code holds even more potential for improvement.
So, there are plenty of challenges left to fuel our and the compiler community’s research for the next
If you want to learn more about the project, take a look at the preprint on [arXiv.org](https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.13170 ) and feel free to ask us questions
by getting in touch through our website. If you want a more immersive experience, make the trip to [CGO 2024](https://conf.researchr.org/home/cgo-2024) in March 2024, watch
our presentation and meet us there.
With Codeplay’s office based in Edinburgh, we can personally vouch for the beauty of the city hosting CGO this year!
Notices and Disclaimers
Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors.
Performance results are based on testing on 2023-11-17 and may not reflect all publicly available updates. See section VIII in the preprint for configuration details.
No product or component can be absolutely secure.
Your cost and results may vary.
Intel technologies may require enabled hardware, software or service activation.