Open Standards Enable Continuous Development in Automotive
11 September 2020
Codeplay’s Charles Macfarlane, CBO, and Illya Rudkin, Safety-Critical Software Development Lead, have contributed to this white paper as part of the Autosens conference proceedings. The paper emphasizes the need for the automotive industry to embrace open standards including SYCL in order to be able to meet the needs of the next generation of vehicles.
“There is nothing missing today to allow OEMs, Tier 1s, research, advanced developments and software partners to start evaluating and developing with SYCL. The ecosystem is well established, and many organizations are already contributing their results, open source projects and guidance, providing the support for anyone to get up and running. The question is more about timing than the likelihood of its adoption: when will ADAS software developers transition to a modern C++ programming style. Many companies are already demanding OpenCL or SYCL within their requirements and it is reassuring to see real ambition to compete with the companies investing heavily in autonomous vehicles.”