Codeplay works alongside some of the worlds largest companies, institutions, research organizations and industry partners. Working together with a common goal of creating a more advanced high-performance future, we are helping to define a number of standards.
outlined_flagView Current Research CareersWhat is Codeplay Research?
Codeplay Research was set up in early 2013 to investigate and research advanced compiler and software technologies as well as predict future standards and platforms. Working with our partners, we have developed a number of core technologies and foundations.

Within CARP, Codeplay analyzes and optimizes mobile GPGPU applications using advanced kernel fusion methods via Android™'s RenderScript™, and the LLVM-based OpenCL™ SPI™.

Codeplay worked within the LPGPU consortium to lead Tools & Technologies development and help build the future of low-power, GPU based development.

Codeplay was part of the PEPPHER consortium, helping to develop a unified framework for programming.
Codeplay is involved heavily within the EU backed CARP project aiming at improving the programmability of accelerated systems, particularly systems accelerated with GPUs, at all levels.
Working together, the Codeplay team has been optimizing and analyzing mobile GPU applications using advanced kernel fusion methods via Android™'s RenderScript™, and the LLVM-based OpenCL™ API™.
If you would like to learn more about this project then please head over to the project website by clicking here.

Low-power GPU2 (LPGPU2)" is a EU-funded research project into low powered graphics devices. It is the work of a specially formed consortium of three companies and one university, all from across the EU, who are collaborating to deliver advances in tools and applications for energy efficient use of mobile GPUs.
If you would like to learn more about this project then please head over to the project website by clicking here.
This project has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under grant agreement No 688759.
PEPPHER is unique in proposing direct compilation to the target architectures. Portability is supported by powerful composition methods and a toolbox of adaptive algorithms. Heterogeneity is further managed by advanced auto-tuning mechanisms and efficient run-time schedulers. The PEPPHER framework will thus ensure that applications execute with maximum efficiency on each supported platform.
If you would like to learn more about this project then please head over to the project website by clicking here.